CEU Policy
It is the policy of NRPA that each learner must successfully complete the assessment and attendance requirements to be awarded Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for a learning event.
Procedure for Awarding CEUs Following an NRPA Learning Event
- The Professional Development Department, upon receipt of all the required online submission materials, reviews them to ensure all criteria have been met.
- The learner will successfully complete the assessment of mastery of the learning outcomes (as identified in the learning event planning process).
- The learner will meet the minimum attendance requirements for earning CEUs.
- The Professional Development Department staff will evaluate the above criteria.
Asynchronous Online Learning Programs
For online learning programs, awarded CEUs will be tracked and maintained by the learning management system (LMS) provider. The provider backs up these records daily and will provide a report upon request. The LMS will be integrated with the databas, iMIS, for the purposes of sharing learner progress and CEU information. Additionally, the NRPA LMS administrator from the Professional Development Department will have access to learner records by using an administrator login and password allowing for instant access of learner records for learner assistance and manual updates. CEUs will be awarded based on criteria entered during the creation of each learning experience. In most cases, learners will have to complete the online learning event and then pass an exam with a 70 percent or better to be awarded CEUs. In all cases, learners will have access to their online learning transcripts by logging into their online learning account to ensure record privacy.
CEU Tracking: NRPA Annual Conference (2016–Present)
- The Professional Development Department will contract with an electronic CEU tracking solution-provider.
- Attendees will be required to attend and complete evaluations for the sessions in which they wish to obtain CEU credit.
- 0.04 CEU credit can be earned for most 20 minute “Speed Sessions” and 0.1 CEUs credit can be earned for most 1 hour “Education Sessions.”
- Discrepancies regarding an attendee’s individual CEU transcript will be handled by the Senior Manager of Education on a case by case basis.
CEU Tracking: NRPA Partner Schools
NRPA will maintain a complete, permanent record of each learner’s attendance and satisfactory completion of CEU requirements for schools run solely by NRPA or in partnership with other entities.
- Students are required to attend all courses and complete course requirements to obtain CEU credit(s).
- Students must complete the school in its entirety in order to earn CEU credit(s).
- Special circumstances request — such as illness or family emergency — for partial CEU awards will be evaluated on a case by case basis with the final decision being made by NRPA and the School Director.
CEU Tracking: Non-NRPA Educational Events
NRPA accepts CEUs for events held by outside organizations that meet our educational standards. Attendees will need to fill out an NRPA CEU Petition in order to receive credit.
- If you are an attendee of a non-NRPA event and you wish to petition for CEU credit, please submit a CEU petition to certification@nrpa.org.
- If you represent an organization that wants to make sure your event qualifies for CEU, please email education@nrpa.org for more information on what constitutes a CEU-worthy event.
Learner Record Management
It is the policy of NRPA to maintain current and complete learner records that include attendance information, satisfactory completion of all CEU approved programs and are provided to the learner upon request and contain information on all NRPA sponsored CEU events. In addition, it is an essential element of the CEU program to maintain learner privacy.
Process to Maintain Learner Privacy
- The Professional Development Department maintains detailed records for all learners that participate in learning events with CEUs. Learner records are the property of NRPA and are considered confidential. Access to the information they contain is restricted to Professional Development Department staff and other staff who have a legitimate reason to review information.
- The Professional Development Department will release learner information only directly to the learner directly following the learning event and at the learner’s request.
- To protect learner privacy, the Professional Development Department will not release information to a third-party, even at the request of the learner.
- CEU records are made available to the learner using a unique user name and password to ensure that only the learner has access to their information.
Records Management Process
The Professional Development Department is responsible for updating CEU Attendance Verification Form, maintaining the records (physically and electronically), and issuing Transcripts and Certificates of Completion.
Learners who fail to follow proper CEU procedures will not be awarded CEUs. If attendance is improperly verified, the CEUs will be voided and attendee(s) will not receive CEUs.
- Learners will be informed of the proper CEU procedures to follow to earn CEUs prior to the event in promotional material and at the event on the CEU Attendance Verification Form and at the beginning of each session.
- In the event a learner has not met the requirements to earn CEUs, they will be notified electronically via email.
Original attendance verification documents will be maintained. If NRPA does not possess the original attendance verification document, NRPA cannot issue an official transcript to the participants. The Professional Development Department is responsible for maintaining these documents.
Learner CEU Records
NRPA is required to maintain the CEU records for each learner for a minimum of five (5) years. The information captured will be the following:
- Learner Information
- Name
- Address
- Email address (if sending via email)
- Attendee ID # and/or Member ID #
- Event Information (if applicable)
- Name
- Location (City & State)
- Facility
- Date(s)
- Session Information
- Date(s)
- Name
- Number of CEUs Earned
The Professional Development Department will manage a secure database that will house all CEU transcript information for a minimum of (7) seven years. This database is stored in the iMIS database.
Transcript Production
NRPA will provide a copy of the CEUs earned to the learner within 15 business days* of the conclusion of the learning event through the learner’s official transcript.
The Professional Development Department will electronically provide an official transcript to each learner and a PDF copy of the transcripts will be maintained in iMIS. If the learner failed to meet the requirements for CEUs, NRPA will notify the learner electronically or by mail in the form of a letter.
Each transcript must include the following information:
- Learner Information
- Name
- Address
- Email address (if sending via email)
- Event Information (if applicable)
- Name
- Location (City and State)
- Facility
- Date(s)
- Session Information
- Name
- Date(s)
- Number of CEUs Earned
*CEUs from the NRPA Annual Conference may take longer to process.
Total CEUs Earned
The Professional Development Department will provide access to the participant’s official transcript.
Each learning event will indicate in the promotional materials how CEUs can be earned and when the learners can expect to receive their transcripts/certification of completion of successful completion of CEUs.
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