NRPA Equity in Practice Certificate Program Series
What's Special about These Certificate Programs?
These Certificate Programs are designed specifically for Parks and Recreation professionals. Rather than talk about equity generally, we will always bring it back to our work in our field. We'll keep an eye on what is – as well as what could be.
These Certificate Programs are action-oriented. Everything we explore together will help you develop an Equity Action Plan for yourself or your agency.
Everyone in these Certificate Programs will have a different depth of understanding and practice in achieving equity. It doesn't matter. We all have much to learn – and much to contribute.
How to Participate
The NRPA Equity in Practice Certificate Program Series consists of three distinct certificate programs, to be completed in order, one at a time. Upon completion of each certificate level, participants will be awarded a certificate of completion as well as fulfilling a prerequisite to move on to the next certificate in the series.
Those who have successfully completed all three certificate programs will be awarded a NRPA Equity in Practice Digital Badge that can be added to email signatures, resumes, websites, and social media.
To begin the certificate program series, prospective learners must apply to enroll in Certificate 1. Cohorts are limited to 20 participants. Multiple cohorts of Certificate 1 are offered annually.
Read on below and learn more about each level, as well as how to apply for the program!
Learning-Centered Approach
These certificate programs will not be a passive experience. Instead, they will invite you to CONNECT in various ways to this complex, important question of equity.

Certificate 1: Exploring Equity in Practice
Participants exchange perspectives on race equity in the field of Parks and Recreation. and generate ideas for creating greater equity. Each participant crafts a doable Equity Action Plan suited to their unique identity, role, and context.
Learn more about Certificate 1
Structure and Focus of Certificate 1
Certificate 1 consists of 6 learning blocks over a 12-week period. Each learning block is 2 weeks in length and includes an interactive workshop during which you'll explore lots of important concepts and skills for growing equity in the field of Parks and Recreation. A workbook will guide you through weekly self-guided learning tasks to advance your strategic plan between workshops. Check out the Learning Journey for Certificate 1 below.
Certificate 2: Pursuing Equity in Practice
Prerequisites: Completion of Certificate 1
Participants will support each other to practice a mindset and skillset essential to putting equity into practice effectively, over time. Participants will analyze best practices and exchange insights from embedding those practices into their workplace.
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND APPLY! Questions? Contact us at
Learn more about Certificate 2
This Equity in Practice Certificate Program is designed especially for individuals and teams in our Parks and Recreation community who have completed Certificate 1 (Exploring Racial Equity in Parks and Recreation) and have a strong foundation for taking concrete actions toward greater equity.
Certificate 2, Pursuing Racial Equity in Parks and Recreation, is a 12-week opportunity to elevate your thinking about equity and to build a strategic Equity Action Plan. This certificate offers a bit less new content - and a bit more time for dialogue with peers who, like you, are courageously and thoughtfully pursuing equity in their unique context.
This certificate also lays the groundwork for Certificate 3: Integrating Racial Equity in Parks and Recreation). In that final Certificate of the series, participants focus on a concrete initiative to increase equity in their agency, get feedback from leaders in the field, and prioritize ways to amplify attention to equity in their day-to-day work moving forward.
Structure and Focus of Certificate 2
As depicted in the graphic below, this program is structured similarly to Certificate 1. It employs a series of 6 "learning blocks", each two weeks in length. We will have one interactive, virtual workshop as the centerpiece of each learning block. A workbook will guide you through activities to advance your strategic plan between workshops.
Check out the Learning Journey for Certificate 2, below.
Certificate 3: Integrating Equity in Practice
Prerequisites: Completion of Certificates 1 and 2
Participants focus on a concrete initiative to increase equity in their agency or the field at large, get feedback from leaders in the field, and prioritize ways to amplify attention to equity in their day-to-day work moving forward.
The first cohort of Certificate 3 will start in April 2025.
Want to be the first to know when applications open? Add your name to our Cert 3 information list! CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR NAME TO THE CERT 3 INFORMATION LIST.
Questions? Contact us at
Learn more about Certificate 3
This is the final Certificate of NRPA’s Equity in Practice series. Certificate 3 is designed for Parks & Recreation Professionals who have completed Certificates 1 and 2 – and are keen to invest in equity projects that will really move the needle on greater equity in your agency or area. The Certificate will help you to see ways you are already serving as an equity leader – and will give you ideas for how you can strengthen your leadership moving forward.
In this final Certificate of the series, participants focus on a concrete initiative to increase equity in their agency, get feedback from leaders in the field, and prioritize ways to amplify attention to equity in their day-to-day work moving forward.
You will likely be in a cohort with others across the field who bring a range of perspectives. This advanced Certificate is a great opportunity for you to learn deeply from each other.
Structure and Focus of Certificate Program 3
Certificate 3 includes fewer synchronous hours than the previous Certificates. There are learning blocks, each comprising a 2-hour facilitated virtual workshop plus any hours that you invest naturally in your self-guided equity project work.
Each learning block is designed around a clear set of objectives that describe what you will have done to demonstrate your progress as they move through Certificate 3.
Check out the Learning Journey for Certificate 3, below.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if this program is for me?
Have you already been exposed to the foundational concepts of DEI but are looking for training opportunities beyond that? Are you looking to move from “why this is important” to “what can be done about it”? If so, this program is for you! Specifically designed for folks in parks and rec who have already started their DEI journey, this program will build on that foundation to put your learning into action.
What’s different about this program, as opposed to other DEI programs?
Not only will this program be specific to equity issues within the parks and recreation field, but it will also focus heavily on skill development using a racial equity lens. This is not your typical “awareness-based” DEI program. We’re focused on action. Equity work within parks and rec is very local; therefore, this program provides opportunities for the application of equity work to be local. Using a racial equity lens to examine opportunities for equity advancement, this program will also look at how other marginalized identities can be represented and better served by their local agencies.
What do these certificates get me?
By the end of the first certificate, “Exploring Racial Equity”, cohort participants will have completed an agency-focused Equity Action Plan, giving them the confidence, skills, and tasks necessary to promote equity through their work and community. After completing this first certificate, participants also have the option to continue to Certificates 2 & 3. Graduates of all three certificates will be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to serve as DEI Leaders within their communities, as well as the ability to facilitate the first two certificate curricula at their agencies.
Completion of each certificate program will result in a certificate of achievement. Those who have successfully completed all three certificate programs will be awarded a NRPA Equity in Practice Digital Badge that can be added to email signatures, resumes, websites, and social media.
What can I expect my participation in this program to look like?
Connect with the content.
You will connect with content that feels relevant to you, as a current professional in the Parks and Recreation field. You'll explore the content in modules and make meaning of it in your context. You can review the content on-your-own (outside of our workshops), share it with colleagues, and use in your work following the program.
Connect with self.
You will spend some time with your own thoughts. You will reflect on what is offered, connect it to what you already know, and decide for yourself how to use it moving forward. You will weigh the skills and concepts offered against what you believe is right and true, based on your own experience.
Connect with others.
You will balance solo time with useful group time. You will be invited to talk with others from your own agency about the ideas, skills, and tools from the cohort. You will be encouraged to exchange questions and insights with those from other agencies. You will be asked to share stories and experiences so others can learn from progress made for greater equity in your corner of the field – and you’ll, in turn, learn from colleagues where they work.
What key content and outcomes can be expected from the certificate programs?
As a result of participation in the certificate programs, outcomes for participants include:
- I ask myself – and others – key questions about identity and equity when planning services and developing policies.
- I acknowledge ways I – and my agency – may contribute to forms of inequity in the communities we serve.
- My colleagues and I have a shared vocabulary and greater confidence talking about race in the context of our work.
- I work to identify relationships that are missing from my work and agency.
Examples of key content include, but are not limited to:
- Comparing common language and definitions for race, racism, white supremacy, and privilege with past experiences.
- Exploring the impact of historic racism on P&R policies, programs, and relationships.
- Practicing communication skills when talking about race and equity, such as giving and receiving feedback, expressing empathy, and using “I” statements.
- Developing an equity action plan to implement in your agency after Fellowship completion.
Why a focus on racial equity as opposed to equity more broadly?
NRPA has made a careful and informed decision to center racial equity, and within that, to focus on transferability as a lens for building skills that can be applied across many historically- excluded communities. Through conversations with professionals in the field, it was clear that racism often feels the hardest to discuss, yet is the most salient barrier in serving our communities. By leading with race, we can intentionally make connections across identities, equipping professionals with the skills to tackle discrimination in all its forms and promote equity across race, gender, age, ability, class, and other demographic lines.
Are there any requirements outside of the application form?
The application for Certificate 1 requires an awareness of the time commitment. Certificate 1 is a 12-week opportunity and includes 30-60 minutes of self-guided work weekly, in addition to 6-live 2.5 hour workshops. We also ask that you submit your most recent resume as part of the application materials.
Do I have to attend all course sessions?
This program follows a module-based structure and each learning block builds on the previous block. Participants are expected to attend all 6-live workshops (via Zoom) and dedicate 30-60 minutes weekly for self-guided work between sessions. Each live, virtual session lasts for 2.5 hours, and active attendance and participation are essential to meeting learning goals and to successfully complete each certificate.
Can multiple people from the same agency apply?
YES! Up to 4 participants in the same agency can enroll! In fact, we strongly encourage that multiple people from the same agency apply so that you can work together to localize content and make an even bigger impact on your agency and community. Each participant needs to submit an individual application to the program.
If you are interested in enrolling 5 or more members of your agency in the program, please reach out to us at
Is there a fee associated with the Equity in Practice program?
We are proud to offer this important opportunity to our individual members at no cost for up to 4 members of the same agency per cohort.
We will also offer opportunities for agency-/organization-specific Equity in Practice cohorts for a fee in 2025. To learn more, contact us at
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