(106) Urban Forestry as Part of Your Park Operations

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This session will illustrate the importance of developing and incorporating an urban forestry program into park operations and discuss the pros and cons of forestry being a function of a park and recreation professional versus a function of city codes or public works. Attendees will discover tools to become advocates for the development of forestry programs and make an impact by taking an active role in maintaining and caring for their respective urban canopies. This presentation also will inspire park and recreation professionals to actively be engaged in the management of their memorial tree programs, tree selection and location for parks, heat island mitigation, and best practices for preserving their local urban canopy. 

Learning Objectives: 

1. After attending this session, attendees should be able to appreciate the importance of urban canopy preservation and its direct connection to the park and recreation industry. 

2. After attending this session, attendees should be able to apply the valuable perspective of a park and recreation professional when assessing tree issues versus other city and county employees. 

3. After attending this session, attendees should be able to recognize the direct correlation of a robust tree management program with successful park programs and designs.


(106) Urban Forestry as Part of Your Park Operations
Recorded 11/20/2023  |  60 minutes
Recorded 11/20/2023  |  60 minutes
Knowledge Check
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  3/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  3/5 points to pass
NRPA Learning Experience Survey 2024
6 Questions
6 Questions We value your opinion. Please take a moment to answer our brief survey.
0.100 CEU credits  |  No certificate available
0.100 CEU credits  |  No certificate available