April Premier: Navigating Sustainability: A Tool for Identifying Actions and Assessing Your Journey

Join us to learn how to use our robust Environmentally Sustainable Parks Assessment Tool.  Hear from a fellow park professional about the capabilities of this tool to inform your agency’s environmental sustainability actions based on his personal experiences. 

This online learning event is ideal for park professionals looking to assess their existing environmental sustainability practices and identify new opportunities to advance their environmental resiliency goals.

The Environmentally Sustainable Parks Assessment Tool outlined in this session provides insight into community and environment-related actions that parks are taking or could take to improve their park environments and facilities. Download a copy of this tool and begin using it with your team, across departments and with partners to support your environmental sustainability goal setting. Share feedback with NRPA about your experience using this tool and any thoughts you have for improving it by emailing resilience@nrpa.org.

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Learners will learn how to navigate a new tool to assess their parks’ environmental sustainability actions. 
  2. Learners will consider how environmental sustainability actions outlined in the tool may be applicable to their parks. 
  3. Learners will understand how to personalize the tool to identify potential avenues for their park’s sustainability planning and partnerships. 

This talk is available for 1 year from release date!

Chris Lindgren

Deputy Director

Park District of Oak Park

Chris Lindgren has been with the Park District of Oak Park since 2013.  In his current role the major responsibilities are the maintenance and upkeep of all 18 parks, 23 facilities, capital project management, and ADA Coordinator. Prior to his career in the public sector, he worked for 20 years in the construction industry including residential, multi-family, commercial and site development.  Since taking over the role of Deputy Director, Chris has brought sustainability to the forefront of the agency and is seen as a leader within the Village of Oak Park and his peers across the country.  His agency has won a statewide award for Best Green Practices nine years in a row.  He has installed multiple rainwater harvesting systems saving over 1.25 million gallons of water annually, 1850 solar pv panels totaling 730 kW over 11 facilities, increased energy efficiency and reduced overall energy usage by 23% across the district, lowered his fleet’s fuel usage by 27%, installed green infrastructure to reduce storm water,  and much more.  Chris also put together the agency’s first Sustainability Plan to lay out a roadmap for the future.

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