Lean In! Navigating and Eliminating Imposter Syndrome

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Do you ever wonder if co-workers think you don't belong and question how you got your position? Do you believe you lack credibility? Do you look at potential jobs and feel like you aren't qualified even though, on paper, you clearly are? If so, you may have Imposter Syndrome — a natural thought process where you may have feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt or intellectual fraudulence. Studies have found that an estimated 70 percent of people have experienced these feelings at some point in their careers. Minorities and women are the most at risk —because the less you are surrounded by people who look or sound like you, the less confident you may feel - which may make you question your place and your abilities. This talk will help you recognize those feelings, invalidate them when they falsely occur, and re-frame your narrative. Your uniqueness is an asset to your agency, capitalize on that and lean in, so you can silence those negative thoughts and move forward in your career. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify what Imposter Syndrome is and when it starts creeping into your thoughts. 
  2. Discover how and why it is especially pervasive in minorities and women. 
  3. Understand how to turn the table on those thoughts and believe in your success.

Jai Cole (she/hers)

Chief, Park Planning and Stewardship Division

Fairfax County Park Authority

Jai Cole has 22 years of experience in Park and Recreation and is currently the Chief of the Park Planning and Stewardship Division M-NCPPC, Montgomery County Department of Parks. Cole supervises the Natural Resources, Cultural Resources, Trail Planning and Implementation, and Park Planning Sections for the 38,000 acre 6 time NRPA Gold Medal Award winning park system.


Lean In! Navigating and Eliminating Imposter Syndrome
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0.100 CEU credits  |  No certificate available